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Our Church

Methodism sprang from the Great Revival of religion – sparked off by the Wesley brothers, John and Charles who had a “spiritual” conversion in May 1738. Methodism spread rapidly in England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland and then overseas to the West Indies and North America.


Through the Missionary efforts of Dr. Thomas Coke and his supporters, the foundations were laid for worldwide communion of “the people called Methodists” – the name John Wesley used for the people who joined the societies.

What We Believe

The Methodist Church believes and teaches that the Church is the company of all those who believe in the Lordship of Christ, who are baptized in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, and who live in the power of the Holy Spirit. The Church is One, despite its divisions; Holy, despite its imperfections; Catholic (that is, Universal), embracing all human beings everywhere, despite its local character; and Apostolic, being a sent community and having been founded on the teaching and testimony of the Apostles.

Our Connexion

The term “Connexional” refers to the fact that the congregations, circuits and districts are interdependent. The stronger ones are therefore able to help the weaker ones so that the ministry of Christ can be more effectively performed. The essence of Connexionalism is the creative sharing and effective use of the resources of the Church in the interest of mission and evangelism. Related to this is the phenomenon of itinerancy. The essence of the Church is mission and evangelism, and itinerancy is only a strategy for effective ministry on the part of the Connexion.

What Makes Us Unique

"All need to be saved. All may be saved. All may know themselves saved. All may be

saved to the uttermost."

- Traditional summary of Methodist teaching

"I felt my heart strangely warmed. I felt I did trust in Christ, Christ alone, for salvation. And an assurance was given me that he had taken away my sins, even mine, and saved me from the law of sin and death."

- John Wesley

"The Bible is the record of God's self revelation, supremely in Jesus Christ, and is a means through which he still reveals himself, by the Holy Spirit."

- A Catechism for the people called Methodists

Contact Us

Scott's Hill

P.O. Box 9




Tel: (268) 462 9793

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